Carol James
West Cork Painter and Sculptor
Sheep Companions Oil on canvas 20" x 16"
Carol James B.A. Fine Arts, 1973, Brighton College
of Art and West Surrey College of Art (Farnham).
As an artist I express life and ideas visually. I choose
different media to capture and emphasize the
atmosphere of the subject I am working on.
I enjoy bringing notice and celebrating that which
is overlooked and undervalued.
Living in West Cork for many years, it has always given
me great joy to paint its wild beauty, from scraggy sheep
grazing over rocks to a magnified detail of an insect
making its way through lush herbage. I also like to paint
local people in the community as these people define
the character of West Cork and often get taken for
granted, but together they form the basis for our
rural society.
In recent years I’ve travelled a lot in the wilds of Africa.
This has inspired me to paint and to celebrate some
of our most magnificent animals in their natural habitat.
I hope that from my work people may recognise the
value of nature, as from my experience natural habitats
are disappearing fast from human encroachment and
In the local community I have found it very rewarding
working with children and adults, creating murals, animal sculptures, and large mythical creatures for street theatre.
I also give private tuition and art classes.